What you need to know before opening a ticket: here are our FAQs.

A ticket is opened when something in the software or solution does not provide the expected responses.

Opening a ticket requires a set of essential information that allows us to contextualize the issue and recreate the same conditions to identify the problem. Always make sure to accurately describe the issue and include one or two snapshots to provide context for the problem.

If the problem has been reported to you by a colleague or someone else using our solution, always make sure to gather all the necessary information to clearly define the problem. We will be able to identify and solve it more quickly.

The response time for a ticket is determined by two main factors: the first is the level of SLA (Service Level Agreement) that has been established with your company; the second is the urgency of the intervention required. In the case of a critical bug, the issue will be addressed with the highest priority, and the process of taking charge will occur within an hour of the report. As for requests for minor fixes or enhancements, these will not be considered urgent and, therefore, will have longer response times, typically by the next day. Depending on the nature of the requests, intervention times will then be scheduled.

One of the most common issues when launching a new platform is the actual understanding of the new tools by the users. Make sure that your colleagues have indeed grasped, after the training, the necessary knowledge to correctly use the tools and upload the data properly.

One of the most common issues when using new solutions, especially those designed for mobile devices, is due to the different configurations that each device may have because of customized settings. It is therefore crucial to check the application’s minimum requirements before proceeding to open a ticket to avoid wasting valuable time.